Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2007

Poem: The Space

By: Haider Qureshi


It was :
When you were in my heart
That the spring used to smile somewhere in my eyes.
And the milky ways used to dance around.
The state of oneness between the Earth and the Heaven
Eliminated the space so dexterously
That there wasn't even a smallest vent left
For the space to seep through !

But it so happened one day
That a terrible blast took place
And the Earth and the Heaven parted
And thus bcame two
And the distance began to increase by leaps and bounds.
And the situation now is so pathetic.
That the spring has ceased to smile
And the milky ways too,
Have stopped dancing.

Now there is a dark space in my eyes;
Stretched far and wide,
And in that space stands my loneliness
With a hurt smile on its lips.
And around it dances
A merciless smile----!

Translated by : Nazim Khalili (Gulbarga, India)

Poem : Another Sad Story

By: Haider Qureshi

Another Sad Story

How this fog is to spread
all around me
nothing could be imagining
in the fore corners
fragrant and to spread
of freshness and richness
many scenes are there
but fog has all the scenes
captured in this way
my eyes! now any scene
could not touch
but in ears, all the scenes
melodious echo
constantly resounding
any unknown (or known)
pleasure granting
always in the shape of
echo and chirp
creeps till life vein
talk in blood
mixes the sweetness in the soul
but not come in the heart
because all the ways
to heart kingdom
comes from eyes
how fog is this , who divided me
my heart to my life
and my life is in search of my heart
but there is no attachment
between one another
a strange fog is to spread
all the scenes meet me
in the shape of call
this attractive fog
look like two drops
when stand on my eyelashes

Translated by: Shahid Raza (Bure Wala, Pakistan)

Poem: Soliciation

By: Haider Qureshi


Dear God!
Throw a favourable glance
Toward my heart
It’s your Ka’aba, your shrine
Facing a terrible attack
From the mighty army
Of Abraha’s elephants.

The master of the elephants
Perceives this shrine
The Ka’aba of my heart
As a thorny obstacle
On the way of his march
To hegemony, grandeur and might.

And here I am
Like my illustrious forefather
The noble Abdul Mutta’lib
Unable to fight, repel aggression
Not even strong enough
To demand the return
Of my very own camels.

These elephants
Hordes of blind aggression
Supporters of oppression and tyranny
Have penetrated
Into the inner sanctums
Of my heart
Lord and master!
My heart is
Your house , your shrine
So guard this house
And let the world see once again
The destruction of big elephants of the aggressor
By tiny stones dropped by flying little birds
In your tradition of old.

Translated By: Izhar Rizvi (Toronto, Canada)

Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2007

Poem : Come! Let Us Write A Poem

By: Haider Qureshi


The same weather, the same old and trodden ways;
The same Sunrises and the same Sunsets.
The depressing monotony of life, the sapless unsavory moments
And the yearning to sin and thereafter,
The tears of repentance, and the desire to savor the good.
All the unraveled secrets have lost their charm and as a result.
The taste of happiness and pleasure itself is distasteful.
And the halo of wonder and the lure of the unknown
Are getting dimmer and weaker.

The innumerable mysteries from the body to the soul
Are lying before me deciphered for long.
Where has the heat of the desert gone, the heat of the desert of my body?
It looks satiated and the satiation too looks strange;
Instead of the thirst getting quenched,
It seems to be satiated!
There is no motivation to pen a song or
To strike a note of verse within.
Moreover,I am unable to say hot from the cold.

So let us introduce a change to these stagnant and monotonous seasons.
Let us wake-up the sleeping quest in the new worlds of wonderment and
Make the happiness laugh!
Let us switch this light bulb off and light a candle
Let us take up a pen and a paper,
And by dusting the monotony of the yesteryears off our heads
Let us change the course a bit.
Come! Let us write a poem!

Translated by : Nazim Khalili(India)

In German

Komm! Lass uns ein Gedicht schreiben

Das selbe Wetter, die selben alten und ausgetretenen Wege;
Die selben Sonnenaufgänge und die selben Sonnenuntergänge.
Die depressive Monotonie des Lebens, die kraftlosen, öden Momente
Und das Verlangen zur Sünde und dem Danach,
Die Tränen der Reue, und das Verlangen, das Gute festzuhalten.
All die entwirrten Geheimnisse haben ihren Charme verloren und infolge dessen,
Ist der Geschmack der Freude und des Vergnügens selbst schal.
Und der Schein des Wunderbaren und die Verlockung des Unbekannten
werden dünkler und schwächer.

Die unzählbaren Geheimnisse vom Körper zur Seele
Liegen vor mir, entschlüsselt für lange Zeit.
Wohin ist die Hitze der Wüste, die Hitze der Wüste meines Körpers verschwunden?
Sie scheint gesättigt und die Sättigung selbst scheint fremd.
Anstatt den Durst zu lösen,
ist er übersättigt!
Es fehlt mir die Motivation, ein Lied zu Papier zu bringen oder
auch nur zu einem Vers anzusetzen.
Sogar mehr, ich vermag nicht kalt von warm zu unterscheiden.

Lass uns einen Wandel dieser stillstehenden und monotonen Jahreszeiten vollziehen.
Lass uns das schlafende Trachten nach der neuen Welt des Staunens wecken und
Lassen wir die Freude lachen!
Lass uns das elektrische Licht löschen und eine Kerze entzünden
Lass uns Papier und Bleistift zur Hand nehmen,
Und mit dem Wegfegen des Staubes monotoner vergangener Jahre aus unseren Köpfen,
Lass uns den Lauf der Dinge ein bisschen verändern.
Komm! Lass uns ein Gedicht schreiben!

Translation: Petra-Sadiya Mellish (Austria)

Poem Mustered Field

By: Haider Qureshi

Mustered Field

Ploughed Endless Fields,
Lush Green Rows of plants
With all their Glory
Mustered flowers tossing their heads
This green fields symbols of joyous and happiness
On them yellow flowers token of sorrows
Blended with sorrows and happiness
A unique scene
Endless fields
Mustard plants
filled with sorrows and joyous
Get close to my heart
to explore the endless fields.

Translated By: Akhter Baig (Austria)
In German

Mustered Felder

Gepflügte unendliche Felder
Voll grüner Reihen von Pflanzen
Mit ganzer Pracht
Senfblüten schütteln ihre Köpfe
Diese grünen Felder sind Bilder von Freude und Glück
Auf ihnen die gelben Blumen: Abzeichen des Kummers.
Eingestreut sind Freude und Kummer
Einzigartige Szenerie
unendlicher Felder
Gefüllt mit Kummer und Glück
Komm zu meinem Herz
um die endlosen Felder zu ergründen.

Translation By: Petra-Sadiya Mellish (Austria)

In Turkish


Sonsuz tarlalar sürüldü
Sirali yemyesil bitkiler
Tüm ihtisamiyla
Hardal çiçekleri baslarini sallar
Bu yesil tarlalar hazzin ve mutlulugun sembolüydüler
Sari olanlari ise hüznün simgesiydiler
Bu essiz manzarada
Sonsuz tarlada
Hüzün ve mutluluk birbirine karismisti
Hardal tarlalari
Hüzün ve hazla doldu
Bu sonsuz tarlalari kesfetmek için
Kalbim ona yakinlasti...

Translated By: Dr. Saadat Saeed (Ankra, Turky)


Dienstag, 13. Februar 2007

Poem: Heart

By: Haider Qureshi


In the moment of closeness
Punishes for separationIn
the moment of separation
Yearns for closeness
Sometimes, surrounded by melancholy
Laughs meaningless, then
Laughs like insane
Laughs so much, that my tears
Spill outLooks at the tears in my eyes
Cries Spontaneously Cries and cries
Crying and laughing, the reason!
How should I know,
the moments of yours closeness or sepration
but my heart
The insane heart, unconcieveableIs
this my heart! or past character of Myths.

Translated From urdu By: Akhter Baig (Austria)
In German


In Momenten der Nähe
für die Trennung bestraft,
In Momenten der Trennung
sich nach Nähe sehnend.
Manchmal, voller Melancholie
sinnlos lachend, dann
wie verrückt lachend,
so sehr lachend, bis Tränen fließen.
Schaut auf die Tränen in meinen Augen,
die unwillkürlich weinen,
weinen und weinen,
weinend und lachend, ohne Grund!
Wie sollte ich sie kennen,
die Momente Deiner Nähe oder Ferne,
aber mein Herz,
das verrückte Herz, unbegreifbar
ist dieses mein Herz! Oder das vergangene Merkmal von Mythen.

Translation By:
Michael Graber-Dünow (Frankfurt, Germany)

In Turkish


Yakin oldugumuz anlarda,
Ayrilik için ceza verir.
Ayrilik anlarinda,
Yakinlik istiyor.
Bazen,melankolik olurum
Anlamsizca güler,
Deli gibi güler,sonra
Gözyaslarim akar
Benim gözlerimdeki yasa bakinca,
O aglamaya baslar,
Aglar ve aglar.
Gülmemin ve aglamamin sebebi bu!
Nereden bilebilirim,
Senin ayrilik ve yakinlik anini
Fakat benim kalbim
Deli kalbim, mantiksiz
Bu benim kalbim mi? Geçmis mitolojiden bir karakterin mi?

Translation By: Dr. Saadat Saeed (Ankara,Tukey)

Poem: Tiamat

By:Haider Qureshi


Appeared from the ocean, we heard
Arose out of water
for the dwellers of land
brought the disaster and death
Symbol of death and disasters
brought the sufferings for poorer and weaker
Compelled the sufferings souls
To respect her, Proud With her power and ego
intoxicated with power and proudnessS
pread the scenes of death and disaster
We heard, but now we behold
Slept and lost our centuries
The Cruel TIAMAT woke up
Dancing with her disastrous power and pride
Disastrous Tiamat arouse from the Western Oceans
Have bestowed and encircled
Not only lands and oceans
But the atmosphere
From all sides and everywhere.
Translated By: Akhter Baig (Austria)

In German


Sie tauchte aus dem Ozean auf, hörten wir
erhob sich aus dem Wasser,
für die Bewohner des Landes
brachte sie Tod und Verderben
Symbol von Verderben und Tod.
Brachte den Armen und Schwachen Leiden
Zwang die leidenden Seelen sie zu respektieren,
Sich ihrer Kraft und ihres Wesens gewiss
Berauscht von ihrer Macht und ihrem Stolz
Verbreitete sie Bilder von Tod und Verderben.
Wir vernahmen es,
aber jetzt haben wir Gewissheit.
Wir schliefen und verloren unsere Jahrhunderte.
Die schreckliche TIAMAT erwachte
Tanzend mit zerstörerischer Macht und Stolz
Zerstörerische TIAMAT erhob sich aus den westlichen
beschenkte und umfasste
nicht nur Länder und Ozeane
sondern die Atmosphäre
von allen Seiten und überall.

Translated By:Petra-Sadiya Mellish (Austria)
In Turkish


Biz duyduk ki okyanusta görünmüs
Sudan çikmis
Karadakiler için hastalik ve ölüm getirmis
Hastalik ve ölümün sembolü
Fakirler ve güçsüzler için güç getirmis Ruhlari
desteklemeye zorlamis
O güç ve egosuyla gurur duyarmis
Kendi gücünün gururu onu sarhos etmis
Hastalik ve ölüm her yere yayilmisti
Biz duymustuk fakat artik duymuyoruz
Uyuduk ve yüzyillar kayboldu
Zalim Tiamat uyandi
Yok edici gücü ve gururu ile dans ediyor
Yok edici Tiamat bati okyanuslarindan çikti
Dünyayi dolasti,
Sadece karada ve okyanuslarda degil,
Atmosferde de,
Her yerden her yere...
Translated By: Dr. Saadat Saeed (Ankara,Turkey)

To read the ARABIC Translation of poem TIAMAT, visit these three arabic websites links.
The poem is translated by HANI ALSAEED ALMISRI.

Poem : A Souvenir Day Of Life

By: Haider Qureshi

A Souvenir Day Of Life

Life was pleased then
Eyes have bright look
From morning till afternoon
There's a flowing river of kisses
And a wave of life
What a wave of life,
Which created
A beautiful evening
The sword was bared
In that evening
That evening was going away
There was a colourful spring
What a dreamy night,
Which also have interpretation
And then in this interpretation,
Take away the pen from destiny
That's a day full with all reigns
Devoted me
Love has written,
The heart permanence
In the way of death

Translated By: Shahid Raza
(Bure wala, Pakistan)
In German

Ein denkwürdiger

Tag des Lebens
Freudvolles Leben Leuchtende Augen
vom Morgen bis zum Nachmittag
Ein strömender Fluss von Küssen
Und eine Welle des Lebens,
Welch Welle des Lebens
Die einen wunderschönen Abend
Die Klinge wurde entblößt
an diesem Abend
Dieser Abend ging vorbei
Es gab einen bunten Frühling
Welch träumerische Nacht,
die gedeutet werden möchte
Doch in dieser Deutung,
entferne die Feder vom Schicksal
Das ist ein Tag voller Regenten,
die über mich bestimmen
Liebe schrieb
des Herzens Beständigkeit
in der Weise des Todes

Translated By: Michael Graber-Dünow